Promoting creativity over consumption
in educational technology

While I was in both industry and education, I witnessed large amounts of resources spent on “one and done” items; these educational resources were often expensive and ineffective. In a Title I school, where resources were already scarce, I became an advocate for flexible technologies that could be used for multiple purposes. My focus on creativity began in that classroom out of necessity; rather than using a resource once, students would create their own using a set of reusable technology tools. This philosophy added to technology sustainability and covered many of education’s best practices during the creation process.

All of my educational service is rooted in this philosophy. I am a vocal advocate for creative technologies and the benefits of a creative classroom. I try to move leadership away from wasted resources by showing them alternative ways to use available products to maximize their value. This thought leadership has attracted attention from several educational technology organizations. ISTE has invited me to be part of their planning and program committees for several events, where I am considered a leader in creative tech. Adobe has also promoted my projects as a model for creative innovation in the classroom. I intend to continue to promote this message while I expand my PLN to include new organizations. Hopefully, through my research, I will also become a leading authority on creation-based assessments.

ISTE 2021 Program Committee
Southern region representative; responsible for establishing the program tracks for the ISTE 2021 Conference in San Antonio

ISTE 2020 Creative Contractor Lab Planning Committee
Participated in weekly planning meetings to design a one-week creativity-focused event. Topics of discussion included proposals, group projects, and location-related activities with a creative edtech focus in an online format.

Adobe EduCreative Founding Crew
One of 40 worldwide educators recognized by Adobe Inc. for promoting creativity in the classroom. Participate in streaming sessions highlighting project ideas and pedagogy surrounding the use of Adobe products in the classroom.

Adobe Education Trainer/Leader – 2014-present
Conduct a combination of webinars and face-to-face training on Adobe products, as well as design tutorials and resources for the Adobe Education Exchange.

ISTE 2020 Conference Review Chair – Creative Track 2
Lead a team of educators and industry professionals in the proposal selection process for the ISTE 2020 Conference in Anahiem, CA.

ISTE 2019 Creative Constructor Lab Planning Committee
Participated in weekly planning meetings to design a two-day creativity-focused event. Topics of discussion included proposals, group projects, and location-related activities with a creative edtech focus.

Digital Education Summit 2019 – Huntsville, TX
Event staff for the two-day digital education-focused event at Sam Houston State University.

Adobe Community Manager – 2009-present
Recognized community liaison for adult Adobe product training in the Houston area.

Conclusion & Curriculum Vitae