I think it is time to formally thank Kristie for all she has done for us, not only by teaching us how to use the various aspects of Blackboard, helping us set up tricky Blackboard programs, and always being available when we need her, but also for her patience with our vastly diverse faculty and our frustrations with all that is going on. I, personally, am deeply indebted to her for all she has taught me and continues to teach me. We are so fortunate to have a person of her skill and talents to help us through these awkward times. Thank you, Kristie.
Dr. Bill Fleming
Professor of English
I can only echo what everyone else has said: you’ve been a lifesaver Christina–thank you!
Thank you also for the YouTube tutorials: most of the Bb online teaching sessions I attended this summer just left me frustrated and feeling as in the dark as I was before I took them. These videos are much more to the point and easier to understand.
Kimberly Bell, Ph.D.
Professor of English
Kristie, you are a real life-saver and I am so grateful to you for all your help AND your positive attitude.
Dr. Linda J. Webster
Professor of English
You go above and beyond! I appreciate you offering me alternatives as we move through these challenges.
I sincerely appreciate all that you do!!!!! You are amazing!!!!!!
Margaret Sellers
Professor of English
You are amazing. And relentless. And I’m unbelievably grateful you picked or were assigned to our department.
Leslie R. Anglesey
Assistant Professor, Rhetoric and Composition
Oh, my . . . our Savior-in-Residence—the one, the only, the inimitable, the mysterious, the majestic—Mrs. Christina “Kristie” Zientek!
Some call her Kristie, some call her Christina. But everyone calls her the G.O.A.T. (Greatest Of All Time).
Question currently circulating in the halls of Evans Complex: Who would you rather have on your team–Michael Jordan, Lebron James, or Christina Zientek?
Anyone who asks such a stupid question should consult with his local psychiatrist.
I will be petitioning the Vatican to appoint Christina Zientek for permanent sainthood for St. Kristie’s rightful place between St. Francis and St. Peter!
Wesley Boyd
Lecturer of English