Multimedia Learning

Video reflects a large part of online learning; the ability to convey ideas via multimedia methods has been a staple of education for quite some time. The following artifacts were created to convey several types of ideas: a persuasive pitch with underlying mechanics, an informative piece intended to simplify a complex idea, and a reflective piece based on a literary analysis. In each video, I made a personal choice to utilize new technology tools to further expand my technological skills and practice the creativity-focused, technology-fluent mindset that I want model for others.


Instructional Technology Made So Simple, A Bunny Could Do It!

This video is a fictional pitch for an educational application designed within ISDT 7315 – Educational Network Design. In a personal challenge, I created a custom avatar and animated it in Adobe Character Animator. The software intrigued me, and I wanted to explore its capabilities within a classroom.

While the video depicts a fictional application, the true application Twisted Tech is currently in production, and is tentatively scheduled for release in the summer of 2022.  


This video was produced for an assignment in Educational Network Design class. The assignment required an overview of the LTI protocol, which allows third-party vendors to interface with learning management systems. 



This video was produced as a product of ISDT 7354 – Leadership in Tech Administration. For the course, we were required to review a leadership book; this video explores James Comey’s A Higher Loyalty. The book has personal significance to me, as my husband was supposed to meet James Comey at the FBI Academy shortly before he was fired by the president. 

I also used this opportunity to explore 3D modeling and texturing, utilizing Adobe Dimension, Substance Alchemist, and Adobe After Effects to create a dynamic title plate. 


Hyperion Sanitation – A Fictional Case Study

This presentation was created as part of a mock proposal for an instructional design solution for a corporate entity. 

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